The Unauthorized error means that you have not created the user for your application in the Dashboard OR your login/email or password are wrong, or if the user exists - the session was created without...
Please note that QuickBlox API uses JSON instead of XML. In order to submit requests for creating, getting, and deleting a session, you need to use session.json. For more information check here: Authe...
This error can show up for several reasons: 1. A user does not exist in the system. 2. User retrieval is forbidden in the Dashboard application settings. (Setup it here). 3. If you try to update a us...
A user can get a list of dialogs where their user ID is present among dialog participants. For more information on this see: API list dialogs request - Chat | Server API | QuickBlox SDKs documentation...
When a user is created, all their information is stored on the server in the QBUser model. You can list a user by their ID or other parameters mentioned in our documentation to retrieve the user. Use ...